One of the unexpected delights of my photography series has been taking a trip down memory lane (aka falling down the rabbit hole) with some of my older blog posts. Mixed in with the posts I shared about big life lessons I was learning or new insights into my photography practice, I also wrote a lot about my quotidian life, from the magical to the mundane.
Sidenote: Quotidian is one of my new favorite fancy words!
quo-?tid-?i-?an (adj)
1 : occurring every day
2a : belonging to each day : EVERYDAY
Anyway, in honor of these old-school blog posts, today I thought I would share with you ten delightful things from this past Saturday.
- Bright sunshine on a cold morning.
- Drinking my coffee by the fireplace with Daisy snoozing nearby
- Feeling stronger in my weight training workouts
- The sound of my neighbor’s windchime
- The satisfied feeling after cleaning my house
- The smell of clean sheets and a freshly made bed
- An afternoon walk with Tripp and Daisy
- Tripp’s help with covering my rose bushes ahead of the hard freeze in the forecast
- Cutting a vase full of daffodils to bring inside
- Going to bed with a tired body and full heart.

I hope you enjoyed these little micro-stories about my Saturday, but even more than that, I hope this blog post encourages you to find the little delights in your own life.
Love, Kelly
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