Wednesday was a very good day. <<Insert big happy smile here>>
It is always such a blessing whenever I see these beauties in my backyard. I have put a decent amount of effort into planting and maintaining my garden flowers for them. Lately they seem to prefer the lantana over the zinnias so I’m feeling super happy about the decision to add them to the back flowerbed.
It gives me major warm-fuzzies knowing that my humble little backyard garden serves as a sort of stopover as the Monarchs migrate south to Mexico. It is immensely gratifying to know that I am providing these enchanting creatures a safe place to rest and offering them nourishment in the journey of their lifetime.
In a similar sort of way, my sincere hope is that the beauty and magic and wonder that God shares with me through my lens my in this humble little space might lift you up. That my humble little corner of the interwebs might offer you a moment of peace and serenity as you go about your day.
And that my words would offer you hope and encouragement in your own journey.
Love, Kelly
Indeed your post and the Monarchs have brightened my day! Thank you!
I am so happy to hear it! Thank you! xoxo
Thank you for sharing Kelly and, yes, your photos and words are definitely inspiring! Peace!
Thank you Mary!