if the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy,
if a blade of grass springing up in the field has the power to move you,
if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand,
rejoice, for your soul is alive. ~elenora duse
i stumbled across this quote via another okie gal i follow on instagram. and it pretty much sums up how i feel about spring…coming alive.
wishing you lots of blue skies today my friends. happy friday!
love, kelly
Oh my that’s one of my favorites too…and Hi my name is Kim and I’m also a quote Junkie! It’s perfect on your photo, love the font. My post from yesterday tipped the scale on 6 quotes I think 😉
Using quotes is so fun…they speak what our hearts feel, so many times. Blue skies are one of my favorite things in nature, along with singing birds in flowering trees. So pretty!!
Beautiful blossoms and quote. I love the blue skies!
The softness of this shot is really lovely. I’m a quote junkie too. Do you think there’s a recovery program for that? Said no quote junkie EVER! 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend.
A perfect quote for the beginning of our long-awaited spring!
Love the quote and the color tones in this.
You have chosen the perfect quote for your lovely image. The blossoms softly lit on the blue sky are nature’s invitation to embrace and enjoy this life. Thanks for the inspiration.
The quote fits the photograph perfectly. Very inspiring.
Lovely combination of quote and photo! Although I love the winter, I can’t help but smile when spring arrives!
Wonderful wonderful picture, like a greeting card…
and so lovely words!
such a pretty picture…. and that quote… Oh my…. really just so perfect….
have a wonderful weekend sweet friend… xo