This year was a banner year though – our metric ton of Halloween candy actually lasted for two solid hours. Which is fine, really, because by 8:00 p.m. the Marios and Disney Princesses are replaced by teenagers with bloody scream masks and zombie prom princesses. So I’ll just hang out upstairs in my queenie chair, my dogs, and my Real Housewives.
Speaking of trick-or-treating, this past weekend was a real treat.
Awesome segue, no?
My delightful daughter was home for a short visit. She didn’t have any big plans with friends or other commitments so she and I engaged in well-deserved retail therapy (one nice benefit of working 61 hours – overtime!). Oh and I wanted to share with you my big impulse purchase. I’ve been coveting my friend Carrie’s Urban Decay ‘Naked’ eye shadow palette for a few months now, and while stocking up on a few “essentials” at Ulta on Saturday I finally decided to splurge on one for myself.
I really like it. The colors are very highly pigmented and have a very creamy feeling when applied. I’m also impressed with the eye shadow primer that comes with it. It goes on much lighter than the crème I have been using and really keeps the eye shadow from creasing. I applied it under my eye shadow this morning then worked my usual hours, ran three miles, and passed out candy for two hours and my eye makeup is still in place. I love it when beauty products deliver on their promises. I know it’s a bit on the pricey side, but it would be a fun Christmas gift for any of the girly-girls in your life.
Anyway, besides our afternoon of shopping on Saturday, Kelsey and I also enjoyed a little time at the spa (courtesy of my sweet husband). A couple of hours being pampered was a real treat indeed. Then our Saturday ended with a great dinner out followed by a stop at Freckles for dessert.
Kelsey and I had really worked up an appetite during our afternoon of shopping and spa don’t you know.
Oh and speaking of ice cream…I’m queen of the segues tonight!…I have to tell you about our other significant purchase this weekend.
So let me back up a little. Several months ago, Kelsey and I happened to be watching TV and we saw a commercial for these Magnum Ice Cream Bars.
Since then, I have looked for them every time I’ve been at the grocery store with no luck. Reasors has the original dark chocolate (which are wonderful), but no double caramel. Well last Thursday, Kelsey called me from the Super Target where she and Cayli were stocking up on supplies. She was standing in front of the the ice cream case looking at the elusive Magnum Double Caramel bars. (btw-I say Carmel. Do you say Carmel or Caramel?) I asked her, “Are you going to get them?” to which she replied, “No I was going to wait for you.” At which point my heart melted into a pool of caramel.
Anyway, the one and only priority last weekend was to go to Super Target in Tulsa to find these previously unobtainable frozen delights. But alas the Sears refrigerator repairman threw a wrench into our plans. By the time he left it was 4:30 p.m. and not even the allure of creamy caramel enveloped between dual layers of dark chocolate was enough to persuade me to drive to south Tulsa on a Friday during rush hour. Then I had a thought – if the magnums were at Super Target, perhaps they would be at the Wal-Mart neighborhood just a few miles away (Wal-Mart also stockpiles Tripp’s favorite ice cream – Blue Bell Chocolate Chip) . So about 30 seconds after the Sears guy left, Kelsey and I head out on our quest. At the store we found the Dove ice cream bars, and then the Haagen Dazs bars, and then *gasp* the Magnums. But no caramel Magnums! Damn! BUT!! There was a sticker on the shelf where they had been. Kelsey and I were elated – the double caramel Magnums are not urban legends – they actually exist! So we made a mad dash to the other nearby Wal-Mart and finally were rewarded with our persistence. And we were not disappointed. They were worth the wait.
Speaking of not being disappointed…it’s the last one I promise…last weekend was a real treat. In every possible way.
Life is good.
Peace, Kelly
I enjoyed this very much! Ah, life can be so good and sweet! Hey, I haven’t found the caramel Magnums where I live, but am on the lookout for them. Carmel is my pronunciation too! Ha, I would definitely drive on a small adventure with my teenage daughters in pursuit of something wonderful!
good luck in your search – they are worth the trouble. 🙂 cheers! kelly
You have a delightful blog! Thank you for your comment on my One Lonely Leaf at Big Picture 🙂
thank you so much for the nice compliment! love, kelly
You have a delightful blog! Thank you for your comment on my One Lonely Leaf at Big Picture 🙂