TRANSITION: passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another // CHANGE.
I love how Merriam Webster uses the word “passage” in their definition of transition. Because I think it lends itself to the idea of a transition being a PROCESS – something that takes time. And I can’t think of a more fitting illustration than that of the Monarch butterfly chrysalis. From the outside it doesn’t appear that anything is happening, but inside, the caterpillar is undergoing a remarkable transformation.

Right now I am eagerly anticipating the Monarchs that will hopefully emerge from their chrysalises. All four of my caterpillars have entered this stage and now it’s a waiting game. Once again, this process takes time.
In my own empty-nest transition, I found this ‘middle part’ to be incredibly challenging. Learning to lean into uncertainty was one of the biggest lessons during this part of my life and now it is one of my favorite lessons in the Empty Nest + New Stories class that I am teaching at
If you have been thinking about taking my class, but aren’t an empty-nester or don’t have children, I truly believe that the lessons and the content in the class will translate to a wide variety of transitions and life experiences. And I would be honored to walk along with you on that part of your journey.
I am so grateful to everyone who has already signed up for my class. The first lesson goes live next Tuesday, September 1st and so there is still plenty of time to join us.
Thank you again for all of your kinds words about this new class. I am so grateful to you for all of your encouragement and support!
Love, Kelly
Ohhhh KELLY!!
How did I miss this!? Well, ok, I know how I missed this… I’ve been taking a ‘social media’ break! I am off to join the class now!!!! Can’t WAIT!! And here I was, sitting on the couch, thinking… what will I do this weekend!! Ding ding** SCORE!!