One of my favorite things about capturing reflections in a photo is the way they play with perception and reality. Depending on where I place my focal point, it will change the story that is being told in my image. So in this instance, when I place my focal point on the water in my birdbath, I see my peach tree in full, glorious bloom.

In contrast, when I place my focal point on the birdbath itself, then the reflection becomes blurry.

I’ve been thinking about this phenomenon in light of our current world events. How we are feeling feeling rattled, anxious, and afraid. With good reason! We are in uncharted territory here. And we are looking for answers. And because these answers aren’t there, it leaves us feeling vulnerable and powerless.
It’s understandable that we have the news on 24/7. But the truth is that our minds and our bodies are not equipped for the steady diet of media coming at us from every direction. Furthermore, the chronic stress that this causes actually weakens our immune system and makes us MORE susceptible to every kind of infection and disease.
So what I am trying to do in my own life is change my focal point. Change the narrative in my head and take back my power. And it starts by focusing less on the news and more on the things that I CAN ACTUALLY DO to stay well, help others, and be calm.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7
Please do not misunderstand me. I’m not suggesting that we collectively stick our heads in the sand. No. Be informed AND THEN do something to take back your life. Make some brownies, walk your elderly neighbor’s dog, weed your garden, call your mom/daughter/best friend/significant other, clean out your fridge, play your piano, deliver some food, fold your clothes.
We can do this. We just have to place our focus on what matters most. So let’s choose life. Let’s choose hope. Let’s choose love.
Love, Kelly
What a beautiful post! We in New York need to hear words like this. I am a newcomer to your blog and am enjoying each of your posts very much. You have inspired me to put aside my phone for a bit and take out my DSLR once again….your photos and our messages are simply lovely.
Kathy I love knowing that I’ve inspired you to get out your DSLR. Lots of love to you!
This is happening for a reason. There are lessons to be learned. Maybe returning to the family. Maybe break us from our materialistic ways…not sure. Nature is my best salve. I’m with you. I can’t be at the mercy of the media. This too shall pass.
Amen to all of this Susan. xoxo
Very good thoughts on our current climate of fear in light of the corona virus. Thank you.
Thank you Rob! xoxo
A lovely post, Kelly. It is a strange time, indeed. I am going to have a lot of time on my hands in the next month at least, and I am going to look through my lens to see beauty and find things to be grateful for.