My sweet husband…he had to go out of town this week and wasn’t home for Valentines Day. But before he left for the airport he left this on the kitchen counter.
Do you realize what this means??? I was left alone, UNATTENDED, with an entire box of Russell Stover dark chocolates for three days!
As I’ve shared before, I cannot be trusted with chocolate – mine or anyone else’s for that matter.
Anyway, one of the things that I happen to love about Russell Stover is that they include this handy dandy little guide to the placement of the assorted chocolates. That way I don’t have to stick my fingernail in the bottom to find out which ones are the good ones and which ones are the crappy ones.
So in case you were wondering, I thought I’d take this opportunity to share with you how this chocoholic works her way through a box of chocolates such as this.
It’s all for you friends, just one of the many ways my blog continues to be of public service.
Now, I always start with the caramels. They are my favorite.
(BTW – I am an Okie so I say carmel. And realator. Just don’t tell my friend Carrie who is a realtor.) LOL
Anyway, dark chocolate and caramel are a match made in heaven. I love the combination of the slightly bittersweet chocolate and the creamy, rich, and sweet caramel.
If you could just give us a moment…
And after the caramels, I go straight for the nut clusters. And then the chocolate truffles. If I’m feeling especially desperate I might even have a molasses chews or a Roman nougat.
But this nasty little guy…
…Gag. Only in extreme circumstances – I’m talking DefCon5 – can I be tempted to eat the coconut crème. Seriously, does anyone like these? And am I the only one who has ever picked the chocolate off?
Wait, don’t answer that – I don’t think I want to know.
Anyway, there you have it – Dark Chocolate – I love it almost as much the man who gave it to me.
Love, Kelly
Hi Kelly! Found your blog through my3boybarians…and I couldn’t help but crack up at your post! The giant box of RS chocolates is my favorite part of V-Day…and even though it comes w. the handy “legend” I usually toss it aside for the thrill of taking a bite out of each piece. It’s the one day a year I can do that, and not get questionable looks from my hubby! Actually, he usually joins in. Oh, and I LOVE the coconut cremes, so send them my way 🙂 Love your photos.
I love this post!! If you were near by, I would have shared the box with you!! I don’t mind the coconut cremes!! The only bad thing about this post is now I NEED some chocolate and none is available right now!!!
You make me laugh-this is becoming a favorite place to visit! So glad I found you by way of M3B…
Hysterical! I thought you were going to go through the entire box! Yummy and cool photos of the deliciousness.
Love this post!!! Definitely made me smile.. (as I sneak chocolate chip cookies out of the freezer that we are “saving” for later!) Wonderful pictures too!
Hi Kelly! Been reading your blog for some time now, but don’t always have time to comment. Just wanted to let you know I nominated your blog for the Sunshine Award today in my post – http://mamasemptynest.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/walking-on-sunshine/. Your blog is such a fun spot!
oh my gosh! that is so nice. thank you so much!! 🙂
What a sweet husband:) I have the same addiction to chocolate, and all things bad for me! Great pictures and descriptions – you are funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
So kind of you to perform a public service like that. I don’t know anyone who likes those coconut things either. Enjoy the chocolate.
ahh I love chocolate too!!!!!
OMG. I have to have some chocolate. NOW. And all I have at home is some protein bars!!!