This past weekend was one of my favorite kinds of weekends – no big plans, no big projects, but lots of good QFT (quality family time). Our delightful daughter was home for an unexpected visit so that automatically elevates any quiet weekend at home. Some of our more exciting activities involved a trip to the tailor and the grocery store. And I’ll be forever indebted to her for going along for moral support while I shopped for new jeans.
OMG. We need to talk about this. Not today (I don’t think my self esteem has recovered yet), but we’re so gonna talk about this.
Anyway, after an exhausting and humiliating afternoon of shopping, we took a time-out for mani/pedi’s and then she offered her moral support while I caught up on my DVR’d episodes of The Chew.
On a happier note, the other thing I did this weekend was take approximately 362 pictures of the fall foliage in our neighborhood. I’ve decided that the first week or so of November seems to be peak colors in my neck of the woods.
Down at the end of my street is a group of the most glorious golden yellow trees. And when the sun starts setting just right, it casts the most glorious golden glow on those leaves. For the past three or four days, I’ve been squatting in the middle of the street trying (*unsuccessfully*) to capture that with my camera. Here is my best attempt.
I get a lot of weird looks from the people driving by but my neighbors know I’m a bit goofy and are used to seeing me walking along the sidewalk taking photos.
Also this past weekend, as if my delicious breakfast of French toast wasn’t productive enough…
…Tripp decided that we need to work on our outdoor lighting situation. A few months ago the city replaced the street light on our corner with a much more ascetically pleasing, vintage style street lamp which puts out almost as much light as my iPhone. The previously well-illuminated east side of our house had become something more akin to the the dark side of the moon, and since Tripp had a Lowe’s gift card burning a hole in his pocket, we spent the rest of the afternoon wiring transformers and putting together low-voltage lights.
(Note to self – get thee to the hairdresser and get your roots done!)
In addition to domestic goddess and irrigation technician, I am now adding outdoor lighting specialist to my list of job responsibilities.
Well and let’s go ahead and add Pizzaiola to that list too.
Put that in your blog and smoke it.
Peace, Kelly
Fun blog! That sounds like a good weekend! I will be there ranting with you when you write about jeans shopping!!!