The farmers’ market is about a 15 minute walk from our house and takes us through historic neighborhoods with mature shade trees and white picket fences. On the way over I was making a mental list of what I wanted to get …meanwhile, Tripp was dreaming of cinnamon rolls.
Our usual plan of attack is to walk the whole thing and see what’s available. Then stop on the way back through to make our purchases. But that came to a screeching halt when I saw that the flower lady had peonies for sale!
Ruffled, pink gorgeousness!! I bought six stems!
But after that initial purchase it was back to business. This time of year it’s all about the cool season vegetables.
I love the variety of colors and textures!
In the end I got one of bunch of beets, one bunch of carrots, and two heads of lettuce. And peonies.
I pretty much felt like I was winning at life on Saturday.
As we walked home, Tripp and I talked about how much we admire the farmers that set up here at the market. We both work extremely hard and so we respect the work that goes into making a living by growing and tending to crops. And we love being able to support these hardworking individuals.
After we got home, I put everything away in the fridge and then I put my peonies in water. Besides the obvious delight at the beauty of these gorgeous flowers, what I mostly felt was gratitude… for a beautiful morning, for Tripp, for fresh vegetables, and for time to enjoy it all.
As always, thank you for letting me share it with you.
Love, Kelly
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