We spent most of the day Saturday throwing out old, broken tools and boxing up stuff to take to the local mission. Every once in a while, we’d stumble across some real gems (like the collection of vintage cameras that I brought home). There’s just so much history here.
Even though we knew this day was coming, it’s still difficult. Especially for Tripp and his family…they’ve been coming to this place since the 1950’s. It’s where they spent Thanksgivings and holidays. It’s where Tripp has some of his fondest memories of his grandad.
I’ve always loved coming here too. Something about the water and the natural setting is so good for my soul. Plus we have so many good memories of coming to the lake when Kelsey was little. It’s a very special place indeed.
As we pulled away from the cabin and made our way down the tree-lined driveway, we did so knowing that we were saying goodbye. The drive home was a mix of emotions and my hope is that time will help Tripp make peace with all of it.
Although it is always hard to say goodbye, we do so with a grateful heart for all the special times we have shared and all the wonderful memories.
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