Time and space….they seem to be the thing I crave the most lately. Time to gather my thoughts and headspace to sort them out. Home and family is my sanctuary, my happy place. When I’m feeling overwhelmed and strung out, quiet time at home gives me a chance to come back to myself. To reconnect to my real life and all the goodness that it contains.
As always, my camera is my secret weapon for finding my center and feeling present in my life. Having it close at hand this weekend was was especially beneficial considering the fact that the holidays are around the corner. Like this week.
Thanksgiving is this week.
I’m just going to pause here for a minute and let that sink in, ok?
I often wish that it wasn’t like this because I feel badly for stepping away from the world and people I love. But I also know that I this is just the way I am built – this is how God made me. And I’m trying to do better about honoring that.
This past weekend was like pushing the reset button in my head. And I am so, so, so grateful.
Peace, Kelly
love the beautiful rock around your pool!
thank you estela!
I love your blog and your words and your photography. But psssttttt, our secret weapons (the cameras) are not secret. Laughing. Because we talk about THIS a lot on our blogs.
Sweet you. Have a lovely day.
let’s keep shouting it from the rooftops ok? xoxoxo