I’m doing something new this year.

I’m calling it screen-free Sundays, and basically it’s just me trying to place some boundaries on the little device that seems to have so much power over my life….this thing that sucks away my time like nothing else. But stepping away from my phone (and more specifically, taking a break from social media) is also a way to honor my need for space and quiet time – both mentally and physically.
Social media is loud. Instagram and Pinterest (my two main social media outlets) scream ‘Look at me! Listen to me!’ The truth is that it is easy for me to get lost in the noise and lose my voice. The next thing I know I’m caught up in the comparison trap and I start doubting everything I create. And once that happens, when I start creating from my head rather than my heart, well then I’m not making the kind of art I want to make. I’m not living the kind of life I want to live.
This year I want to cultivate my creativity. I want to listen to my heart more and my head less. I want to trust my own artistic instincts and create from a place of inspiration rather than comparison.
But beyond that, my main goal is to live an inspired, mindful, and intentional life. And the best way to do that is to be present in my actual life.
I am here.
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