I had two unfinished projects on my craft table right and there were a dozen reasons why I really didn’t need another one. But a couple of weeks ago I decided at the last minute to join the Ali Edwards community and participate in the annual Week in the Life™ project.

Why the last minute decision? This simple answer is because I love the way this project helps me feel to connected to my life. This year in particular though, I loved the change in the documenting week this year (in past years it has always been mid-May). I also thought it will be fun to capture a different season of life and rhythm in our days, especially now that the commuting life is behind us. There is so much good to celebrate and be grateful for. And this project is the perfect way to document it.
This was Monday.

Summer officially arrived on Tuesday I can’t think of a better way to welcome the season than going to pick blackberries with my friend Ann. Once again, I noticed how the rhythm of my day is different than other times of the year. I tend to do more of my outside stuff in the morning or later in the evening and then spend the afternoons at my desk during the heat of the day.
This was Tuesday

In 2019 I documented a week where I was at home and Tripp was in KC. In 2020 I documented a week where we were together in KC. This year I am documenting a week where we are at home together.
Those three years Tripp commuting to KC were some of the hardest years of our married life. And I would be lying if I said that relearning how to live together full-time hasn’t been a little challenging at times. But we are still here. Showing up for each other in ways big and small. I am so grateful that hard seasons don’t last forever and for the way they make the good seasons that much sweeter.
This was Wednesday

Every year I’ve done Week in the Life, there always seems to be an overarching theme that presents itself along the way. It acts like a melody that plays quietly in the background of my days and subtly directs my attention and my camera.
This year I thought alot about the rhythms that accompany this season of life. For the first half of the week I think it’s safe to say that the melody in the background has been easy-listening. On Thursday that tune changed big-time when my grand-dog, Rip, came to stay with us for a few days. It’s time rock and roll!

Friday was a very full day and I spent most of it at my desk finishing up a big work project. I didn’t take a lot of pictures that day, but it’s OK because I think that also tells the story of the day in way.

When the conflict and chaos and noise of the world get too loud and too heavy, I find sanctuary in my home and yard. On Saturday, I found some quiet in my head and comfort for my soul in simple tasks around the house.

Sunday was very ordinary day at home with Tripp.

It’s been a while since I’ve spent the time to capture our life in photos like this. It reminds me of the kinds of photos I used to take when I first started blogging, which gives me all the warm fuzzies. And some food for thought as I think about the kinds of photos and stories I want to continue sharing in this online space.
These photos tell the story of my very real and very ordinary life. The beautiful, the messy, and everything in between. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me share them with you.
Love, Kelly
Although I love all scrapbooking, I’ve realized that Week-in-the-Life is my favorite. It is a big project, but the end result is so worth it. Everything changes and yet so much stays the same. Just a wonderful slice-of-life that I am grateful to capture. I love your photos and appreciate you sharing them for the inspiration they provide as well as the beauty of your every-day life.
Carrie, I had that same thought as I was putting this blog post together – how everything changes and yet so much stays the same. Thank you so much for stopping by with such a kind words today. xoxo
Sweet Kelly oh how I have missed this! I just love how you chronicled your life. Wednesday was so moving for some reason. I love you watching Tripp water the grass! So great to hear from you!
Beautiful photos as always. You inspire me to see the beauty in the smallest things Kelly! I would love to see how you put all these photos and thoughts together when you are ready to share the finished documentation. (or perhaps this blog post is your documentation and that is fine too)
thank you mary! i haven’t started putting anything together yet, but plan to use the WITL notebook and keep it really simple.
Would love to see the finished album pls.
Hi Amanda, I haven’t started an album or other type of project for this year. Not sure if I will. As much as a love the documenting part, the real magic and connection for me lies in the photography aspect. Will for sure share though if I change my mind.