1. Start by cutting a strip of fabric approximately 12 inches long by 3 inches wide. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise and begin stitching a simple running stitch along the long edge. (If you are using ribbon, it is not necessary to fold it in half. Same goes if you have a narrow strip of fabric, you can skip the folding. Just be aware that your raw edges will show in the finished product.)
2. Pull the thread tightly to gather the strip into a circle. Fold the open ends over and towards the back (to finish the edges). Keeping the gathers in a tight circle, stitch the ends and the center closed.
Once again finish with a button or gemstone and it will look something like this.
Here’s one I made by layering a ribbon flower on a fabric flower.
This is an example of a flower that I did not fold lengthwise before gathering. I used pinking shears to finish the edge and layered it with a tulle pouf. I kinda like how it turned out.
Just imagine the possibilities!
Happy Flower-making! Kelly
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