Snowing again.
Did you get that? It’s snowing again.
Things are starting to get a little dicey in my neck of the woods. I’m a homebody – no doubt about – but I don’t like being trapped. Even a trip to the grocery store is appealing right about now! And I hate going to the grocery store! Cabin fever has set in. Who knows – Cabin Fever might be the back way to Crazytown.
How do you know if you have cabin fever? Well, here are ten signs to look for.
- You’ve worn sweatpants every day for the past five days
- You know the day and time by what’s on TV
- “To the cloud!” refers to going upstairs and camping out on your bed
- Your house smells like a ripe basset hound
- You’ve used up all the flour and yeast in your pantry
- Your laundry is caught up for the first time in five years
- You’ve bought $147 worth of scrapbooking and/or baking supplies on
- You’ve accepted four friend requests on Facebook in the past four days
- The highlight of your day consists of waiting to see if the mailman shows up
- You are actually looking forward to going back to work
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go spray some Febreeze in my basement.
Peace, Kelly
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