So I recently read a book that has pretty much changed my life.
And no for the love of God, it was not 50 Shades of Grey.
Daring Greatly, for me, has been a game changer. I totally became one of Brene’ Brown’s biggest fans after watching her now famous TED talk. She just has a way…I really felt like I could identify with her seeing as that she’s a kind of no-nonsense gal from the south. Someone who has no problem putting on her big-girl panties when necessary. Not afraid to laugh at herself, but yet she has such a gentle voice and spirit – I don’t know… it just spoke to me.
At any rate, while reading Daring Greatly, I came across this passage:
…We are psychologically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually hardwired for connection, love, and belonging…it is why we are here, and it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.
As I spent the day with my family yesterday, it really hit home. No matter where I go, or what I do, because of my family – the one I was born into and the one Tripp and I created – I will always have a place to belong. And in turn they give my life meaning. My greatest joy. And my purpose in life.
I hope you and your family had a most wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving.
Love, Kelly
I agree totally!!!
Beautiful sentiments for a beautiful post. I am so glad that I got to hear Brene Brown when she spoke at a PBS event in Houston. I’d never heard of her and now she seems to be everywhere. She IS down to earth and awesome.
Your Thanksgiving Day looks wonderful! We’re blessed, aren’t we, with beautiful families!! I’m reading Brene Brown’s “The Gifts of Imperfection” which certainly has me doing some deep thinking! “Daring Greatly” is on my wish list!!
I totally agree. And it looks like you had a wonderful day with your beautiful family!
How perfectly, beautifully said. Glad yours was a wonderful holiday, and I’ll be looking for the book!