Have you ever stumbled across a quote or passage that just so perfectly puts into words what you feel, but didn’t have the clarity to express yourself? That’s how I felt when I read this:
The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, lke the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color.
~Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting
I was so inspired by this quote that I decided to take the opportunity to enjoy the pause and capture little moments from the high point of summer.

I think the reason this quote really resonated with me is because, regardless of what our commercialized culture is telling us, I wholeheartedly reject the idea that summer is over.
***I’m looking at you grocery store shelves of halloween candy***
Life moves fast enough. So instead, I am trying to savor all of the goodness of this late-summer season.
Love, Kelly
I love this quote, Kelly. I, too, am savoring these hot yet glorious late summer days. As much as I am in my element come autumn, summer holds a special place in my heart. Enjoy August!
~ April
I agree–what is al this talk of “fall is in the air” lately? Crazy! Summer is still in full force here and we are deep into enjoying it until the middle of September. Time moves fast enough on its own without us mere mortals trying to hurry it along., Love your photos of simple summer moments Kelli, thanks.