Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.
Marianne Williamson
A vase full of garden blooms.

A trip to St. Louis with my dad to watch a Cardinals baseball game.

After months of waiting for them to ripen (and fighting off the neighborhood critters), finally getting to pick peaches from our tree.

The afternoon light in my dining room.

Taking time to rest and enjoy summer evenings at home with Tripp.

A pipevine swallowtail sighting in the backyard.

Golden hour walks in the neighborhood.

The return of the hummingbirds and the sound of them zipping around the backyard.

A good rain after weeks of drought and sweltering 100 degree temperatures.

So grateful for all of this good stuff in July.
Love, Kelly
You were just the medicine I needed today. What a joy to see these beautiful, beautiful photographs. You see the good, Kelly. You see it and then you see it again and even more, you really see the fullness of it and what a blessing it is. Thank you for brightening my inbox today and giving me pause to stop and say, “Less news reading, Pam. More flowers. More beauty” Thank you so very much.
Your comment just made my day sweet friend. So happy to share. xoxo
Such a beautiful affirmation Pam