Her bedroom is a little worse for the wear. I try not to nag her too much when she’s been so stressed, but LORD have mercy it’s a mess.
I couldn’t decide whether to curse or cry when I went in there looking for dirty clothes. Between play practices, performances, and final exams, my poor child has been run ragged. I was making a mental list of everything going on and, instinctively because it’s the holidays I guess, I finished it by singing, “and a partridge in a pear tree.” Made me laugh to myself a little and thought maybe you could use a laugh too.
So in keeping with the season, here are my senior’s Twelve Days of Christmas! (feel free to sing along!)
On the Twelfth day of Christmas, my senior gave to me:
- 12 hectic evenings
- 11 sleepy mornings
- 10 friends a texting
- 9 vocal lessons
- 8 loads of laundry
- 7 seasons of FRIENDS
- 6 cups of throat tea
- 5 play performances
- 4 dress rehearsals
- 3 big tests
- 2 auditions
- and a call back for the spring musical!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to try to find the bottom of her clothes hamper.
Peace and Joy, Kelly
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