We were driving in the car this past week when Tripp made a comment along the lines of “the year 2050 is as far away as the year 1990”.
Let’s take a minute to let that sink in, shall we?
It still feels a little overwhelming and hard to swallow for me. Because I can’t really take life life in huge chunks like that, I’m going to bring it down more to my level. This next year.
But if one year from now feels like too much for you, then take down one more step. This next day. This next five minutes.
This is the time of year that we get bombarded with messages about fresh starts and new beginnings, and it makes for good social media content, but quite honestly, I think it’s a crock of shit.
Because there is no one day that is any better to make a positive change or take one baby step towards something you would like to invite into your life than today.
This one day. January 6, 2020.
You should know that I typing this for myself as much as I am you. My Christmas tree is still up, there are storage boxes everywhere, and all of my decorations are heaped on my kitchen table. Nothing about my life feels clean or fresh or new right now.
And it’s OK.
We don’t have to have to do it all today. Or this month. Or this year. We don’t have to have it all figured out. All we have to do is breathe. And take one tiny baby step in the right direction.
We’ve got this friends.
Love, Kelly
P.S. You can find my new 2020 desktop and device calendars here. Also, if you are a subscriber, look for an email from me with a link to the 2020 Calendar Templates files I created for you. Not a subscriber? Click here to get on my email list and receive access to my free resources!
Say alleluia!
I’m with you 100%