i would just like to go on record to say that i think this is the reason so many photographers find it hard to stick with a 365 project…sometimes the photo ops can be kinda slim pickins.
hence, a photograph of my hair dryer.
i took this photo one day last week. i had finished getting ready for work and i happened to have my camera upstairs with me. i thought the light was pretty on it and i thought yeah…what the hell. so i snapped a couple of shots to get one that was just right. because you know…there are so many subtle nuances of a hairdryer, hairspray, and round brush.
anyway, once i got done, i just laughed to myself. oh yeah kelly…you really hit it out of the park on this one.
but it doesn’t really matter to me that every single photo is a winner, because my 365 project is about capturing my everyday life. and drying my hair is an everyday kinda thing.
also, i do some of my best thinking while i dry my hair so there’s that.
but drying my hair in the winter is a bit tricky. i have to do it in the main bathroom because we have a space heater going in our master bathroom to keep the pipes from freezing and our 100 year-old fuse box can’t handle both. but it’s ok…i’ll take drying my hair in here over another broken water line ANYDAY.
perhaps you remember the pipe that burst which lead to the whole master bathroom renovation. that we did four years ago.
holy hell.
also, as a sidenote…a deranged lunatic hijacked my blog and wrote most of those posts to reader beward.
anyway… in related news, last week i also took a picture of the doorknob on the door to our bedroom.
i know it’s super lame, but by next month there will be subtle signs of spring. the days will be getting longer allowing for more shooting after work. and i’ll be running around like a crazy person trying to capture it.
so i think it’s fitting that any year-long photography project of mine would include pictures of my old house. and even though these kinds of photos aren’t really all that exciting…i mean it’s a hair dryer and a doorknob for heaven’s sake….pictures like this tell the story of my life. and my old house. and when i go back and look through my year of photos, i’ll remember that it was winter. and how much i love the light that pours in through my east windows in the morning.
taking pictures around the house is nothing new for me. because i love my old house – and not just the windows and the light…but also the creaky wood floors, the drafty old windows, the cracks in the plaster at the top of the stairs.
now i am a firm believer that home is where the heart is…the house does not make a home. but this house, with all it’s stately “charm”(otherwise known as imperfections)…this is the setting for the stories of our life for the past nine years. this is where we have celebrated birthdays and holidays. this is where kelsey sat at the bar everyday and watched gilmore girls after school. this is where tripp washes the cars. this is where i learned to take pictures.
so today i am giving a nod and expressing my gratitude for this old house we call home. letting my {A}rt inspire my art.
thank you for letting me share it with you.
love, kelly
Kelly … in your photos it’s all about the light. The subject is secondary … usually. xo
You know misery loves company. I feel the same way some days but you are so right “home is where life is lived”…I love all the light streaming in your windows..
Life does not happen to us, it happens from us.
— Michael Wickett
You are right, “home is where life is lived.” You capture the light, and your readers Thank You.
phyllis you have the best quotes! thank for the kind words. xo