The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.
Edwin Way Teal

Time with friends and family. Quiet moments at home. An embarrassment of riches from the garden. A heart full of gratitude.
This way May.
P.S. Last week I got in trouble from the internet. For reasons I don’t fully understand, the service I use to send out my blog posts via email informed me that my previous post had a high bounce rate and that I was in Mailchimp jail.
Or something like that.
I’ll spare you all the tech-y details, but this affected about 350 of my blog subscribers. If you received an email from me with a resubscribe link, I am sharing about it here to make sure you know that it was legit.
If you are not currently subscribed to my blog, you can do so by using this link.
There are a few reasons you might consider subscribing to my blog posts. Besides receiving lots of photos of pretty flowers and riveting* and entertaining* stories from my everyday life (*obviously using those terms in their loosest interpretation), every year I create new calendar templates which are a free gift and only available blog subscribers.
If you decide to resubscribe, please know that it is an honor and a privilege to be invited into your inbox and I will never share your personal information. Also, please let me know if you have any problems using the subscribe link above.
As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share my life and my photos and my stories with you.
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