I hope you like tulips.

I’ve taken approximately a million photos of the tulips in my yard this spring.

Beyond their obvious objective beauty, tulips have a certain stately and elegant quality that seems to elevate their surroundings.

I grew four kinds of tulips this year. I love the variety in shape and color. And I love how they bloomed at different times which helped prolong their glorious season.

Here are details if you like geeking out on tulips as much as I do:
- Silver Parrot – Parrot
- Day Dream – Darwin Hybrid
- Menton – Single Late
- Blue Aimable – Single Late
I would also like to point out here that I bought these tulips bulbs last fall from my local garden center. I think sometimes there is a misconception that beautiful bulbs can only be found from online specialty shops which is not always the case.
As their season winds down in my neck of the woods, I am so grateful for the beauty and joy they bring to my life.
Love, Kelly
So beautiful!! Selective focus! Parrot tulips really are something special.