1. Start with a long section of tulle ribbon. In one hand, fold/loop ribbon back and forth at least 10 or 12 times. The length of your loops will determine the final size of your flower. Four to six inches would be a good place to start.
2. Find the mid-point of the fold and pinch together. With a piece of heavy-duty piece of thread, tie the middle tightly.
3. With scissors, cut the loops of tulle and fluff the layers.
4. Lay the pouf flat and find the open center. Flatten with your hand and either sew or glue a button or jewel to the center.
How’s that for a no-sew flower masterpiece!
Happy Flower-making! Kelly
Since I’m in the middle of wedding planning with my daughter (for her wedding next year), I’m going to show her these and see if she thinks we can incorporate these in the decorations. Thanks for the lesson and the cute idea! By the way, I loved your final project for your daughter. Awesome!! And definitely put together with love, I could tell. 🙂
thanks for the nice compliments! 🙂 it’s alot of fun doing little projects like that. even if i do get carried away. hehehe let me know how your flowers turn out. 🙂