We finally got the boat back from being unwinterized just in time for Father’s Day weekend.
My parents and my brother and his girlfriend came for a fun day on water. After some nachos at our new favorite lake hangout, Barnacle Bill’s, it was time to get tubing.
My brother considers himself a tubing pro and likes to boast that he cannot be thrown off.
Which of course only made Tripp work harder to do so.
Tripp’s got some legendary boating moves to thwart overly-confident tubers such as my brother. There is, of course, the side-slinger figure eight and the over-the-wake bucking bronco.
My brother held on pretty well, but then threw down the gauntlet when he said to Tripp, “Is that all you got?”
Insert Tripp’s patented figure-eight-through-the-wake-upheaval here.
Yep. That’s the killer. Nice try though little brother.
After all that, we all decided to take a little dip and cool off. Where once again my brother entertained us all with his crazy air guitar skills.
Next, Mikey decided to dust off his mad slalom skiing technique.
Nicely done little brother.
It was such a great day and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with three of my favorite men. After dinner, my parents rode off into the sunset.
Once again, beautiful Lake Tenkiller played host to wonderful family memories.
Peace, Kelly
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