I can sum up Friday in two words….
It rained.
I woke up to thunder and lightning for second time this week. I laid in bed hoping to fall back asleep, but after about 45 minutes of toss and turning I decided to get up.
Gave me some extra time to work on my photos that morning.
Fridays are trash days. And good news…Tripp said his ankle was much better.
Peonies + raindrops = pretty. The rain gauge said 1.02″.
The gauging of the rain is a very big deal around here. Also, I still misspell g.a.u.g.e every time I type it.
Eggs again for breakfast…he prefers them over medium.
8:17 a.m//still raining.
I’m off on Fridays so after Tripp left for work I putzed around the house a bit.
Daisy was here.
9:34 a.m.//still raining.
I finished my Thursday blog post. Then went about tidying up our master bathroom. I’m sort of a mess in the bathroom. Well…no…I’m sort of a mess everywhere. But I do try to pick up around the house.
“Try” being the operative word.
It will probably be like this for less than 24 hours, but it’s nice while it lasts.
I was actually going to make the bed, but Daisy was sound asleep…she was so cute. So I let her snooze.
10:51 a.m.//still raining.
I went down to the basement to check to see if we had any water leaking on the floor. #oldhouseprobs Tripp had cleaned out the French drain out front that morning before leaving for work, but with this much rain it doesn’t always work.
I threw in some kitchen towels in the washer in the basement. It’s the set we bought from Sears the first year we were married…old faithful. Works like a champ.
11:00 a.m.//still raining. A huge line of storms coming though with 40-50 mph wind.
The pool is overflowing.
I was hoping to be able to work on my photography project, but it’s too dark. The pictures would be super dark and moody…which I sort like sometimes…but not for this particular project.
Finally made the bed.
The rain was ponding on our front porch which usually means it’s going to leak in the basement (one of the main reasons we are getting bids to get it fixed). Went down to basement to check.
Sure enough. Glad I caught it in time so that it didn’t get rug wet.
More laundry.
Since I didn’t get to see my mom at the baseball game earlier in the week, I was planning to go over and hang out with her in the afternoon. But with all the heavy rain, there was street flooding all over town…getting out in it didn’t seem like the smartest thing to do. I called my mom around 12:30 p.m. to check in with her. She had been up with the storms early too. We were both a little concerned about my dad being out on the road in the storms that afternoon. He works part-time driving an auto parts delivery truck and his route would be taking him through the worst part of the storms. My mom called me at 2:00 to let me know that he had made it to safely to his last stop and was on his way back home.
Because I didn’t get to go visit my mom and I couldn’t work on any of my projects, I did something on Friday that I rarely do…I laid down in the middle of the day. Between waking up at 4:45 a.m. and the gloomy, rainy day, I was really really tired. So after I heard that my dad was safely past the worst of the storms, I closed my eyes and took a nap.
It was heavenly.
3:18 p.m.//still raining.
I unloaded the dishwasher and checked on the basement.
Daisy waited for Tripp to get home.
Around 4:30 I took a shower. We made plans with our friends Jennifer and Gavin to go out to eat.
Tripp got home around 5:20 and immediately went out back to drain the pool.
It had stopped rainy briefly so I took the opportunity to take some photos.
Raindrops on roses…
With a brief respite between storms, Tripp went for a run. I ran over to the nail place.
It’s the one sort of girly thing I do on a semi-regular basis (besides color my hair). When I was younger I bit my nails terribly…something I still do if I’m really stressed out or anxious. This helps to keep me from doing it. Bubble Bath is my signature color and I keep my nails short and square. I also have old lady hands now.
7:05 p.m.//more rain.
Tripp and head out to dinner. We’re meeting Jen & Gavin (who live in the house directly across from us) at Mi Cocina.
We always look forward to getting together with them and this is our first ‘Mambo night’ since their new baby, Lucas, was born three weeks ago.
Their family, including sweet little Annabel, is so special to Tripp and me. They moved in about three years ago, right before Annabel was born…watching their sweet girl grow up has been such a delight.
We feel so blessed to have them as neighbors and friends. We also love that they love ice cream as much as we do.
Friday night we tried a new place downtown – a micro-creamery specializing is small-batch, artisan ice cream. It was as delicious as it sounds!
8:56 p.m.//still raining.
When we got home, we let Daisy out and then headed straight upstairs to bed. Tripp watched the Thunder basketball playoffs and I browsed on the iPad for a bit before falling asleep to the sound of rain.
i love yours photos
sweet and ordinary day
and… I’m french but my son came to Owasso, near Oklahoma, for 10 days in march 2015
thank you so much!