I woke up early to the sound of thunder. (Raise your hand if you started singing Bob Seger in your head!)
During the week I am always the first one up…today it was 6:25 a.m. I cherish my quiet time in the morning – no phone, no computer. Just me and my coffee and my morning devotional.
It poured down rain all for almost an hour.
Tripp came downstairs around 7:00 a.m. His morning routine includes feeding Daisy and going outside to get the paper. I make him breakfast. Today it was a leftover banana bread muffin and some strawberries. He left for work at 7:25 and I went upstairs to get ready for work.
I showered but didn’t wash my hair.
Dear dry shampoo…thank you for making my life so much easier.
I went downstairs and got my stuff ready. Purse + tote bag. Phone, food, planner, notebook, glasses. Yes, glasses. This week I included my camera too.
Out the door to leave for work. I give Daisy some love and tell her, “hold down the fort.”
It was a gloomy morning, but it made for a cool shot of downtown on my drive to work.
I get settled in and start my day. Email, tasks, maps, repeat. Around 12:00 I got up to grab my lunch from the fridge. Was happy to see that sun was trying to come out.
Monday lunch was 1/2 ham sandwich made with leftover ham from Easter brunch and some strawberries. Took a minute to jot down few thoughts on the morning thus far.
I left work around 3:30 p.m and smile when I saw Daisy standing at the gate to greet me. Grateful for a regular day and time at home in the afternoon.
Monday was a catch up day…
In between loads of laundry, I finished up my blog post for Focusing on Life…grateful that I had some time during lunch to sort of flesh it out ahead of time. It came together in about 30 minutes.
I was so happy to see the sun yesterday afternoon so I did a little walkabout in the backyard. All the recent rain has made the lettuce grow like crazy and it needed to be harvested. So I cut quite a bit and brought it inside to wash.
And yes I know that the pre-washed greens at the grocery are about a million times faster and easier, but I love the idea of eating food that I grew in my own garden. AND homegrown greens taste about a million times better.
At 5:20 p.m. I text Tripp to let him know that I am going to yoga. I found a place I really like not far from the house. I was tired yesterday and almost didn’t go, but I am so glad that I did.
Back at home, Tripp is still out for his run so I take the opportunity to walk around with my camera. I just love spring.
I also did a little dinner prep while waiting…risotto with ham and peas. (Eat all the ham!)
I could hear Daisy at the front door squealing when she saw Tripp walking up the sidewalk. I’m not sure who was happier to see him, Daisy or me.
After a quick hug and sweaty kiss, Tripp heads out back to do his pool chores. We catch up on each others’ day.
Playing ball with Daisy while doing chores is a requirement.
I go back in to finish up dinner. A simple salad with the greens from earlier. I talk to Kelsey on the phone, then my mom.
While I stand at the stove and finish the risotto, Tripp sits at the bar and checks all his social media – Face, Twitter, InDeed, LinkedIn…in that order.
After dinner we clean the kitchen. Tripp is always so helpful with the dinners. So love this man.
More chores.
A lovely evening.
I go upstairs and fold clothes while catching up on a DVR’d episode of Billions.
A little later I go downstairs to get the coffee pot ready for the next day. Tripp has piece of leftover cheesecake.
I was in bed by 9:00 p.m. which is rare for me, but I was really tired yesterday. There were productive things I could have done other than lying in bed watching Sweet Home Oklahoma, but I am trying to listen to my body and care for myself a little better.
Tripp comes upstairs for bed around 10:00 p.m. He brings the paper and gets into bed. I curl up next to him and fall quickly asleep.
Monday was a good day. An ordinary day full of very ordinary things. Lots of catching up and getting stuff done. But this is what so much of my life is made of and I want to be present and live fully in these moments. Because I believe with my whole heart that there is something beautiful in even ordinary days like this.
Feeling so, so grateful for it today.
Goodness me, your photos are beautiful! And Daisy is the cutest 🙂
Thank you so much Charlotte!
Very beautiful pictures of a very complete day!
Thank you so much Rocio!
This post was so beautiful and mesmerizing!! Made me feel really relaxed looking through all of the pictures. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
oh my goodness hanna…what a lovely thing to say. thank you so much!
This is one of my favorite posts. What a beautiful testament to the beauty of a balanced day..
Your “presence” is a gift that inspires me.
Just beautiful.
thank you for the kind words susan!