A few months ago, Tripp discovered that Kip Moore was going to be in Springfield, MO. We both really love his music and thought it would be fun to see him perform. So we decided to make a weekend of it by staying at Big Cedar Lodge.

Best. Idea. Ever.
Big Cedar Lodge is a rustic resort retreat located in the beautiful Ozark Mountain region of Missouri. Tripp and I stayed in one of their charming cabins overlooking Table Rock Lake.

It was so good to get away for a couple of days. To slow down and savor some much needed downtime.
Big Cedar consists of several connected properties. On Friday night we went over to the Top of the Rock are for dinner. It was a beautiful evening – so good to see the sun and enjoy the views.

Saturday morning we slept in and enjoyed the views from our cabin. While Tripp started a fire, I walked around the cabin and took pictures.
Because I’m super helpful like that. <insert wink here>
A little later that morning we enjoyed a couples massage at the resort followed by burgers for lunch at the Devil’s Pool Bar/Restaurant. Which I did not take a photo of because apparently I was so zenned out from my massage that I didn’t think about it.
Later that afternoon Tripp and I went back over to the Top of the Rock area to take the nature trail down to Lost Canyon Cave.
It was a glorious day to be outside!

Later that afternoon, we got cleaned up and drove into Springfield for the concert. Our Google search for best Mexican restaurant in Springfield – Jose Loco’s – did not disappoint.
The concert was held in the historic Gillioz theater in downtown Springfield.

If you’re not familiar with Kip Moore, he is a very soulful country music singer/songwriter.

It was an intimate, acoustic concert which is both Tripp’s and my very favorite way to experience music.
Also, Tripp and I stayed up past midnight that night. Which made US feel like rockstars. <hehehe>
We left to come home early Sunday morning – it was a quick weekend trip. But I did so with a very full, grateful heart.

Love, Kelly
Just catching up here…what a fun looking weekend for you two. Gorgeous photos!