i flew up to chicago to meet with some of my photography friends from focusing on life. we all met up on thursday afternoon and then proceeded to the beautiful home of our hostess-with-the-mostess, deanna. which is where i stayed during our visit.
on friday we headed out into the countryside to see some of the beautiful barns in rural illinois and later that evening we enjoyed beautiful riverwalk in naperville.
then on saturday, the six of us got up bright and early to ride train into the city to see the sights of downtown chicago.
i’ve been to chicago several times with my BFF’s carrie and suzanne. but this time was a little different seeing it through the lens of a camera. loved seeing it from this perspective.
when we weren’t out on our various field trips shooting, the six of enjoyed time spent relaxing on deanna’s wonderful back porch….sometimes talking ‘shop’…but a lot of the time just talking about our lives. our families. really getting to know each other.
after i got home and had a chance to call my mom to tell her all about my trip she asked, ‘didn’t you think it was weird to stay with someone you didn’t even know??’ which i suppose is a completely valid question. and to an outsider i can see where that might be kinda weird. but here’s the deal….and i know it’s going to sound strange…i sort of already knew deanna. from our mutual classes and through her photos and her blog. and the same can be said for my friends terri, dotti, carol, and kim.
all of these wonderful ladies that I’ve gotten to ‘know’ through photography. it’s amazing really when you think about how random it is that we connected…connected by a love of photography, but perhaps more importantly, the fact that we all see the world in a very similar way.
while it’s true that photography is my hobby, during the past couple of years it has also become a way of life. a way of seeing things. and i am so blessed to have found this wonderful group of friends in which to share this journey.
love, kelly
How wonderful!!! I consider you all my friends too and would never hesitate to stay with any one of you. 🙂
ahhh, what a wonderful post…love seeing my life through your eyes….and you can stay with me anytime, along with your Mom.
I told Kim to tuck me in her pocket while she went to visit with u gals. LOVE your photos-but most especially the rural side. I swoon over that country side.
what a wonderfully happy, happy weekend! i love reading different blog posts from the 6 of you—they provide a different take on the days you got to spend together. : )
So well put, Kelly! We have “known” each other for quite awhile and now we have met in person and the connection is even stronger. Your photos are fabulous! Love the word art on the first one. We are all blessed to know you as well.
Yes, indeed … we did ‘know’ each other well before we ‘met’. I’m of the opinion that when you share your photography online, you’re making yourself vulnerable and that leads to lovely friendships. Oh, how I missed you as I looked at your wonderful photos and shared memories! Big hugs …
Lovely photos from your trip! You girls created some special memories!