there are a few things i would like to tell you about our vacation. well actually there’s alot i would like to tell you, but for today here are the main things i would like you to know.
- the weather there is perfect.
- there are no bugs.
- i am now completely obsessed with palm trees.
dear california…i totally get it why people love you so much.
while i was away i read this book.
it was a nice departure from the deeper, more thought-provoking books i’ve been reading lately.
while i was away i did really awesome stuff like wash dishes and fold clothes.
i also cleaned the cat litter box but i’ll spare you the pictures. #yourewelcome.
while i was away i got a new iphone.
this is big you guys. because this is first time since cell phones came out that i have the most up-to-date technology in the family. now the only problem is that i don’t have the ‘you guys always get the good stuff’ card to play. #firstworldprobs
while i was away i took pictures of my garden flowers. big shock i know.
i honestly cannot remember my plants looking this good in the middle of august.
while i was away my tomato plants have taken over my vegetable garden.
but sadly, i have yet to harvest one of my big tomatoes. because we have a tomato bandit!
i actually witnessed it…a squirrel trying to climb up the tree with one of my HUGE tomatoes in his mouth. but thing is, it was so big and heavy that he’d get about a foot up and then fall backward from the weight of it. i swear…if i hadn’t been laughing so hard, i would have been pissed.
while i was away my basil has taken off as well.
and so when life gives you basil you make pesto and pizza right?
while i was away my family and i have eaten approximately 467,000 pounds of watermelon. give or take.
while i was away, i have been slowly trying to catch up with some of my photography projects.
while i was away my girl left to go back to college.
dear summer…why do you always have to go so fast?
while i was away i went to help her and her dear friend/roommate feather their nest, so to speak. of course a trip to target and hobby lobby was in order. as well as an unplanned trip to home depot due to a small incident with a malfunctioning wall anchor that we shall not speak of again.
i also thought they needed a bouquet of flowers to start the year off right.
while i was away i took the opportunity to recharge. and i mean that in every possibly way – physically, mentally, creatively. even though sometimes taking time away takes courage. but it has been the best decision ever. i now feel like i have a renewed well of inspiration from which to draw.
while i was away it gave me a chance to think about my blog. i wondered if i really had anything left to say and if it was something that i wanted to continue to make time for. is this beloved space still filling a place in my heart? and if so, going forward, what kind of space do i want it to be? how might that look? evolve?
while i was away, it feel good (at first) not thinking about blogging. but after a week or so i started missing it. i found myself sharing my thoughts on instagram and flickr. and it became clear to me that i indeed still had things to say.
and so as always, i thank you so very much for letting me share it with you.
love, kelly
Such a pretty post. I hope next time you’re out this way it works out to have a bite to eat or coffee. Looks like you had a perfect vacation.
Love, love, love the photos! And I learned this month that we all need a bit of a break sometimes. I didn’t plan to take a break, it just sort of happened. But then, like you, I found myself missing the process. I think we just need to know when to cut ourselves some slack. The rest will take care of itself. xo
While you were away…I missed you! Love all the photos catching us up with your time away! It is refreshing to close the computer for a while…I’m about ready myself! Glad to see you again!
I missed you too but was happy for you to have the time “away.” You know the no bugs things? I have all the bugs. I mean all of them. Yep. Welcome home, dear Kelly.
oxoxo Pam