I’ve amassed quite a collection of wine corks (no judgment here please) so I thought it might be fun to make them into Christmas ornaments. I searched the web a bit for a little inspiration and surprisingly, did not find much. So I had to wing it.
I went to Hobby Lobby and grabbed a few things I though might be useful and this is what I came up with. Kinda cute!
Here’s what I bought:
I also grabbed some bells, tassels, and jewelry beads. Here’s the process:
Step 1-Make drill a hole through the length of the wine cork.
Now if you are anything like me and never have a charged battery on your drill, you can make your husband shove a long nail through the cork while he’s watching the Big 12 Championship football game. Just tell him to be careful not to jab the nail in crooked and poke himself in the hand.
Step 2-Cut a piece of wire about 8” long and insert through the hole in the cork.
Step 3-Make a loop with needle nose pliers at one end. This will be the top loop for hanging.
Step 4-Wrap a couple of pieces of greenery (about 4-6” long) around the wire. Add some little pinecones or whatever doodads you like around this too. Then just tie a simple bow right under the loop. Pull the opposite down so the bow and doodads sit tight against the cork.
Step 6-Insert the opposite end of the wire through the bell and wrap the wire around the bell and bow. Fluff out the bow to cover the wire and clip off any excess. Tuck any point ends under so they won’t stick out.
***please ignore my ratty fingernails***
And that’s it! They take no time and little skill. The perfect activity while watching the game. I made a couple different versions. I used a big silver bead at the top of this one.
Here’s one my mother-in-law made. I like the wreath and how the bell hangs freely. Cute!
Here’s the thing, I am not a jewelry maker of any sort. It’s one hobby I never got hooked on (to my husband’s relief). But I bet if one was inclined to use their stash and know-how, a person could come up with some really clever and fun ideas. But regardless of how you make them, they would be cute Christmas gifts for wine lovers or a fun little doodad to hang on a package. And best of all – it’s a good reason to buy wine. How about that – the gift that keeps on giving!!
Peace and Good Cheer! Kelly
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