The other day I was looking through an old photo album for a picture of my grandparents and I happened to stumble across this photo of my dad with me and my little brother.
I don’t know, something about this picture just took my breath away.
I turned it over and immediately recognized my Grandma’s handwriting, “Christmas 1972.” I would have been four and my little brother would have just turned two.
I don’t have a lot of early childhood memories, but I do vaguely remember this – the gold clock, my grandparents coming to visit, the pony ride on my dad’s back. And when I look at my dad in the picture I can’t get over how young he looks. And he was! A father of two at 26.
I think something happens when a person gets to be in their 40’s. For me it’s been seeing my parents a little differently. Not just as my mom and dad, but really seeing them more as individuals. Maybe it’s because my own child is grown now. I don’t know. But I can’t help thinking about the burden of responsibility for husband and a young father of two. A burden that he seemed to carry without ever me knowing.
My dad recently did a little research on his side of our family tree and learned that our family’s name has a great heritage. He shared his research with us a couple of months ago and as I listened to him, I could tell that he was so proud to be part of such a great legacy. To be related to such great men.
The more I thought about it and what it means to be a great man, all I could think about was my very own father. The man who gave pony rides and played ticked bug. The man who carried me through raging flood waters. The man who took me to early morning band practice and never missed a school concert. The man who walked me down the aisle and cradled his newborn granddaughter. The man who worked hard every, single day of his life.
So today, my dad’s birthday and Father’s day, I would just like to share my appreciation for the great man that I call my dad.
I love you so much Daddy. I am so proud to have you for a father.
Love, Kelly
You have an awesome dad!! 🙂