As you might expect in the middle of January, there’s not a lot going on right now in the garden. All of my perennials are still lying dormant and there were no signs of spring bulbs peeking up through the ground yet. Except for our shrubs, it’s pretty much all varying shades of brown.
Anyway, walking around, I kept my eye out for something…anything to kind of spark my interest. And that’s when I noticed the teeny-tiny little seed heads of my New England asters.
Isn’t that something? A flower. I mean not really, but yet kind of. And I just find its shape, form, and textures so interesting. And when I looked around some more…with a different perspective, I found all sorts of lovely, interesting things.
Seeing things differently.
I mean honestly you guys, I just have to laugh. Because I’ve probably written dozens of posts on this subject. And yet, here I am face to face with this lesson again. And the reminder that everything (every. blessed. thing) good that has happened in my life these past few years has not been because of a change in circumstances. But, rather, it has been the result of seeing things differently. So in light of my present circumstances, I’m asking, “How can I see this change differently? How can I let go of my resistance to make space for a new perspective?”
What a gift this little space of mine has been to me over the past several years…my teeny corner of the interwebs as I like to call it. A place to document the insights and discoveries that brought so much healing into my life at a time when I felt so unsure of everything. And now, they continue to be a gift to me in this next chapter of my life with words of hope and peace. Feeling so very grateful for this today.
Love, Kelly
I just found your blog. I don’t know how, probably Ali Edwards. But I have to tell you how peaceful I feel after reading some of your posts. My one and only child, my sweet girl went off to college this last September. I know I will survive this next chapter, but boy does my heart hurt and long for the days when she was little again. I’m so thankful for my husband and all that we have together, but it’s not the same as being a mother, of course. Just had to tell you how much I relate to you and your writing. ??