around here, poppy and daisy are getting to know each other.
around here, it is a gray, chilly, dreary, raining morning. it feels like autumn and i couldn’t be happier.
around here, my neighbors think i am a weirdo.
around here, i am so happy report that ALL of us are sleeping well again. turns out the solution to riley’s sleeping issues was his kennel. so now he and daisy sleep downstairs on their cushions at night.
around here, we have more baby gates in operation than we did when we had an actual baby.
around here i am planning on giving the dogs a bath this weekend. plus i am also buying stock in febreeze.
around here, i have purchased a metric ton of halloween candy. we are stocked up so bring on the trick-or-treaters.
around here, my mom is finishing her first week (of three) of radiation treatments. so far everything is going well…she is not experiencing any severe burning or skin irritation as of yet. hoping that the next two weeks are equally as tolerable as this one has been for her.
around here life is good. finding a nice rhythm to my days. enjoying some much needed work/life balance.
hoping all is well with you and that you have a wonderful weekend! happy friday friends!
love, kelly
Love how you said your neighbors think you’re a weirdo…I often feel that way when I’m taking photos in my front yard or neighborhood. Beautiful photos as always.