Texture Tuesday, Blog Hops, Link-up Parties…it doesn’t seem that long ago that these kinds of blogging activities were such a big part of my life. And it’s funny to me how they seem positively archaic now when compared to Instagram (or Snapchat, if you’re cool…which I am not).
I especially love some of my really old blog posts, like this one from October 2010. The pictures make me cringe a little (well maybe except for that last one) and I hadn’t really refined my writing style, but at the heart of that blog post, it’s really not that different from the kinds of blog posts I do now. I sort of love that. Whether silly or sentimental or sad, for the past seven years my blog has been a place for me to share the stories of my life.
Can you believe that?
In the beginning, I was writing and sharing from an intensely challenging transition in my life. I was sorting through my emotions and some big life questions, and to a large extent, my blog was so incredibly therapeutic in that regard. And as much as I liked taking pictures at that time, It wasn’t until November 2011, when I took my first Big Picture Class, that “P”hotography became a bigger piece of my blog life.
Anyway, I guess you could say my blog grew as my photography practice grew. As I dug deep in learning, I discovered friendship and connection and inspiration and passion. I learned a lot about myself and my faith and my {A}rt during those years. And it makes me proud to see my evolution – both as a photographer and as a child of God.
If I’m being honest though, lately it feels a little like I’m just going through the motions. Often I don’t feel like I really have anything super inspiring to share or anything of value to add to an already noisy world. And so, I’ll just share a photo and maybe a quick note. It’s not that I don’t have things on my mind or things I would like to share. It’s just that often, time doesn’t permit or, these kinds kinds of things fall under the category of ‘not my story to tell’.
But after going back through some of my older posts, I recognized similar seasons of my life. And I am comforted by the reminder that blogging, like all my creative endeavors, has a pattern of ebb and flow.
The truth is that I do still love blogging..even if it’s not what the cool kids are doing. I still love the fact that this little space of mine fills a space in my life that I never even knew needed filling. And in a month devoted to gratitude, I am so very thankful for my teeny corner of the interwebs.
Love, Kelly
I’ve blogged since 2008 and recently spent time poking around in the archives and came away amazed at the changes. I have created books (using Blog2Book and CreateSpace for every year. Good info to look back on for me, or someone in the future maybe! In early 2016 I felt like I was losing my blogging mojo and debated about whether or not to continue. I decided, in honour of my blogaversary in August to post every day during the month: a photo, a quote, and a link to a blog I follow. Some days that’s all I posted, other days I included a few thoughts. Over the course of the month, the habit became ingrained and I decided to continue. It’s now been almost sixteen months of daily posting and I can’t see myself stopping anytime soon! Maybe blogging is for those of us who are cool in a unique way. ????
Wow Linda! That’s a commitment but I’m sure it’s quite gratifying. And yes! Here’s to the uniquely cool kids! 😉
Love seeing you and it is wonderful to look at those old blog posts and stories of your life
thank you jeanne. xo
Kelly what I love about your blog is it’s purity….no noisy pop ups or endorsements or rabid materialism. Just simple ordinary yet beautifully compelling slices of life.
Thank you for sharing …as much or as little as the spirit moves you.
Every post is appreciated.
thank you so much susan. xo