Stuck. Blocked. Flat. Dull. These are all words that could be used to describe my creativity (or lack thereof) lately.

I know part of it is just the typical uninspiring January weather. Part of it is the obnoxious cold I’ve been fighting for two weeks. And part of it is a certain amount of heartache and anxiety over things I can’t change.
But I also know from personal experience that this how creativity goes. This ebb and flow…I am remembering how much I dislike the ebb side of the equation. One thing that helps is knowing that I’m not alone – I’ve seen several of my creative mentors expressing similar feelings.
So if you’re experiencing a creative low, take heart. Hang in there. And most importantly, just keep showing up to your art and your life. However that looks for you right now. Just keep showing up. Creativity will find you again. I promise.
Love, Kelly
When I feel like I can hardly think of another creative idea or approach to something, I like to remember this quote by Maya Angelou: “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” Well, of course.
oh i love this too mary! thanks for sharing it with me!