a couple of months ago my husband and i happened to hear it while coming home from a late-night sonic run. so tripp with his coke float and me with my diet cranberry limeade started singing our respective parts.
now despite the facts that 1) tripp doesn’t drink and 2) i don’t live in LA, something about this song speaks to me. maybe it is because i DO have a calico cat. or maybe it’s because tripp likes to pretend that when he’s done mowing the side yard down by the neighbor’s house that he’s coming in from the south 40. or when he’s bringing in the trash bins he’s ‘bringing the cattle ‘round.’
i don’t know…it’s just our little thing. and it makes me smile. makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
i know that for the last 23 days i’ve talked an awful lot about myself. and i guess it’s only natural because i am sharing my story. but i also need you to know that tripp is a huge part of my story.
through all of the changes in our lives, tripp has been there. he lets me cry. he makes me laugh. he reminds me of who i am. and loves me for who i am.
something for which this small-town okie girl is forever grateful.
thank you so much for joining me on my 31 day writing challenge. to see all of the posts in this series, please click here. and if you would like to receive future posts via email, you can subscribe here.
from the archives
Ahhh! Lovely tribute to you husband. We’re blessed to have someone we can count on to hold us up and encourage us. Beautiful picture of you two!
I love this song too, and I’m not from Oklahoma. In fact I have their album. It’s wonderful. I think I’ll dig it out and put it in my car. I’ll think of you and Tripp when I hear that particular song.
Very nice. Do you know I have never heard that song before? I had to take a listen. I think it’s cool you sang your respective parts!!