our little cabin was nothing special. a teeny, two bedroom, cinder-block fisherman’s cabin on lake tenkiller. no cable, no phone. a perfect place to stay during the summertime boating season. the perfect place to get away from the gray cityscape during the winter. and that particular weekend, i was hoping it would be the perfect place to finally get a grip on my emotions and get out of my funk.
so tripp and i left for the lake after he got home from work that friday. saturday morning we slept in and then a little later, we got ready and drove over to the dollar general to stock up on cabin supplies. by then it was about lunch time, so we made the short drive back to the princess drive-in for a burger.
during the summer, the rolling hills along highway 82 are mostly covered in blackjack oak trees, but that time of year, except for a few scrubby cedar trees, the woods are pretty bare. anyway, as we were driving back to the cabin after lunch, both of not really saying too much, tripp commented, “i know a lot of people don’t…but i really like this time of year at the lake. i like being able to see deep into the woods.”
when we got back to the cabin, he and i put away the supplies we had bought earlier. then we decided that a nap sounded really good. in the winter, we almost always leave our bedroom window cracked, so i grabbed the quilt (the one my grandmother made) from the foot of the bed.
tripp pulled the quilt over us and then he rolled over and put his arm around me. without fail, the tears began to fall. he whispered, “is there anything i can do?” to which i just shook my head no. and so there in our teeny little cabin, wrapped in my husband’s arms, raw and wrung…completely bare, i took the opportunity to look deep into the woods.
thank you so much for joining me on my 31 day writing challenge. to see all of the posts in this series, please click here. and if you would like to receive future posts via email, you can subscribe here.
Kelly, you have touched my heart with this little series of yours. Excellent writing, great passion.
so much wisdom here.
That cabin has a lot of awesome memories! I love you!
What a beautiful part of a love story.
I know I have been absent for most of the weekend, but wow. Thank you for sharing this story.
Kelly, this is a beautiful post. I have been in that exact same spot often and feel blessed to have a husband who holds me and let’s the tears flow. This touched my heart. So good.
Thank you Tripp for taking such good care of my girl! I love you both.