The end of February marks a shift for me. In my neck of the woods we are starting to see signs of Spring in the landscape which seems to to translate to sense of reawakening in my own life.

Looking back at the month, this shift is apparent to me in my photos as well. I like to joke that February is the month of “slim-pickings” photographically speaking. Finding inspiration in the dormant, mostly colorless landscape can be a real challenge.

But I’m grateful for the exercise which always helps me find a little magic along the way.

And for the record, the delightful pop of color in holly berries feels like magic to me this time of year.

And speaking of berries….

…the cedar waxwings are back in town for their annual visit to my neighbor’s holly bush. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you might recall my first experience with them.

Thankfully this tree is on the other side of the street and my car was in the garage. IYKYK <insert winky face here>.
In other February news, our best-girl Daisy turned 17th birthday this month!

That felt like a reason to celebrate, and making her a peanut butter pup-cake seemed like a perfectly appropriate way to mark the occasion.

She is best walking buddy and companion that we could have ever hoped for, and I am grateful that she is still part of our life.
February was also full of the ordinary stuff of life. I’m grateful for these little moments of peace and presence in my days.

Another thing I am grateful for right now is that the days are getting noticeably longer.

During the month of February we gain almost an entire hour of daylight which I suspect is a big part of the boost in my mood and energy level.

Longer days means being able to spend more time outside (which is my happy place). Plus, the spring-like weather we’ve had lately is giving me major gardening-fever. It’s still too soon to do any kind of major gardening, but in my neck of the woods we can plant a few cool season things.

Last weekend I planted some snapdragon seeds and ranunculus bulbs. Digging in the dirt = garden therapy.

And spotting the first daffodil bloom of the season felt like complete joy.

February is a long-haul of a month, but the payoff is so worth it. Hoping that your month had little moments of joy and happiness as well.
Love, Kelly
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