live on university.
practicing the art of an ordinary life
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Regular Contributor to Focusing on Life.
Story Teller for Ali Edwards Design Team
Currently Teaching at Big Picture Classes.
My Portfolio - Kelly Ishmael Photography
Boomer Sooner!!! 🙂
I NEED to know what camera,lens and settings you use!!! I know this sounds wierd-but my camera has already been in camera hospital-I fight to take perfect images like these-seriously-my 50D is part lemon. I’m fixin to send it back to canon AGAIN because it’s SO unpredictable and it’s very frustrating. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you photo story here. Your pictures are crystal clear-
you know, if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you might like oklahoma. ; ) wonderful snippets of your day!
Looks like you guys had a very fun time!!