I’ve been sitting here for 30 minutes trying to come up with a clever title and cute opening for this blog post, but I have shit to do today and need to get on with it. lol Also, I wouldn’t want to mislead you into thinking that I have anything super exciting to share either. Mostly, I just wanted to check in and say “hi”. And celebrate the fact that we made it through the month. <insert giant high-five here> So with that awesome lead-in, here is a look back at my January in all its long, drawn-out glory.
In semi-exciting news, I finally got a good photo of the hawk that’s been hanging around the backyard!

I was almost home from my evening walk with Daisy and saw it swoop towards the backyard. I managed to hurry into the house and get my camera fitted with my zoom lens and then sneak around the gate to get a good shot. Based on its size I’m fairly certain this is a Cooper’s Hawk (versus a Sharp-Shinned Hawk).

Such a thrill to see this magnificent creature up close like this!
The other big news this month was the weather.

We had a week of frigid temps and snow followed by a week of gray skies and cold rain.

The stomach bug sandwiched in-between the two felt like adding insult to injury.

Except for Daisy’s evening walks, we spent most of our time indoors during that stretch.

Comfort food and craft projects are always my go-to when I’m feeling cooped up. Bright pink ranunculus also helped chase away my winter blues.

The sun finally broke through on Sunday and brought some much needed warmth and light.

And we’ve basically spent every possible minute outside since then.

With the 174 days of January finally behind us, I’m looking forward to watching the days get longer and doing some garden clean up soon. As always, thank you for letting me share my photos and stories with you.
Love, Kelly
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