April looked like spring bulbs putting on a glorious show. And in case you missed it, I did a whole deep dive in the daffodils that I planted last fall if you’d like to geek out with me.

April looked like the landscape coming alive, both in my yard and in the neighborhood. Yes…hello color.

April looked like spending our evenings and weekends tending to projects around the yard. This year we (and when I say “we” I mean Tripp) had to replace a bunch of sprinkler lines in our backyard (which #firstworldprobs obviously). But in case you were curious, I now know the exact aisle at Home Depot where all of the sprinkler system stuff is sold, as well as the difference between a barbed elbow and barbed swing pipe tee. Plus I also learned how to work the controller and program the system.
No, I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express or watch a YouTube video – I read the manual thank you very much.
Sidenote #1: This whole project sparked a conversation between my beloved and myself about our different learning styles. I tend to learn by reading and then by doing, and Tripp learns by watching then doing. I could probably do a whole blog post about the things we’ve learned how to do from watching YouTube videos, but that’s another post for another day. But it was interesting nonetheless.

April looked like a lot of flowerbed rehab. The last couple of years have been really hard on shit – I lost all of my original David Austin roses that planted back in 2017. So this year I added three new ones to a different part of the yard where we had removed a bunch of dead nandinas.

April also looked like some ranunculus rescue. I noticed that something had been eating the foliage off the tubers I planted a month ago or so. At first I thought it might have been bunnies (omg….so. many. bunnies), but when I asked the internet, it said that ranunculus are usually critter resistant. Otherwise they look so healthy, so I decided to dig up the tubers and put them in pots on my back porch. I have no idea if they’ll bloom at all, but at least they’ll have a fighting chance now.
Sidenote #2: I share a lot of photos of pretty garden flowers in this space so it’s important to me that you know that I deal with my share of garden challenges too.
April looked like planting my summer annuals out front and in the pots in my backyard.

I am currently going bonkers for the begonias that I found at my local Ace Hardware.

April looked like some much needed rain.

April looked like dirty hands and garden therapy.

April looked like the promise of good things to come.

As always, thank you for letting me share my photos and my stories with you.
Love, Kelly
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