It’s Monarch butterfly season in my neck of the woods.

I’ve been writing about my life in this space for ten years now and documenting my love for Monarch butterflies almost from the beginning.
Goodness I do so love seeing how my photography has evolved over the years.
At any rate, the Monarch migration is in full swing, and nothing makes me happier than getting upclose and personal with these magical, magnificent creatures.

The Gathering Place has become one of my favorite places to watch Monarchs, so Daisy and I walked over there yesterday morning.

There were dozens of them flitting and floating around the milkweed they have planted at the edges of the pond.

Several weeks ago, I got a front row seat to the miracle of the Monarch lifecycle when the chrysalises that I was fostering indoors finally emerged.
Then, after hanging out for a day or so, I got to experience the joy of releasing four healthy Monarch butterflies into the world.

Oh my heart.

In a year that has been so full of challenges and heartache, these and wonder-full creatures have been a source of joy and delight that I am so, so grateful for.

Love, Kelly
What a very cool experience. Thanks for sharing