So this week, my photography group’s prompt was to photograph our ‘mug shots’. And before you say, ‘whaaaa????’ by that I mean to show off our coffee mugs and what’s in them. Which is, I have to say, one of my very favorite things to photograph! Actually it’s fun for a lot of my photography friends and it’s been so great this week to see everyone’s mugs and hear what kinds of tea and/or coffee they like to drink.
The thing about coffee mugs is that they make such a wonderful muse…so many different shapes, sizes, and colors. This shot is of one of my yellow mugs that came in a set of dishes that Tripp and Kelsey got me for Mother’s Day one year. I love the color and the graceful shape of the handle. Such a happy way to start off the day.
If you follow me on instagram you’re probably very familiar with these yellow mugs.
My friend Byron is always joking that I should go ahead and spend the money to get another one.
I think one of the most delightful things about coffee mugs is the way the light hits the rim and creates interesting curves and shadows.
Oh and the other thing I think that is really neat is when I catch a cool reflection in my coffee. Makes me feel all artsy.
So last week, I shared this shot of my favorite mug with my photography group, and one of my friends asked me what the rest of ‘Silly Old Be…’ said. I could have just told her that it says, ‘Silly Old Bear’ but unfortunately my sentimental, nostalgic side got the better of me.
The rest of the story is that I got this mug when we went to Disney World about fifteen years ago. My girl was about four at the time and she was all about Winnie the Pooh. She was just so adorable. And our last night at the park, we ate at the Crystal Palace when they did their character dinner. At it happened to be the night when Winnie the Pooh and his friends were there. And oh dear – her face when she got to meet Pooh…well I still just melt when I think about her smile. So naturally when I was in the gift shop picking out a new mug to bring home, it had to be a Winnie the Pooh mug.
And so naturally I had to dig this photo out of the my scrapbook. Sigh. Would you just look at that sweet face.
This photo feels like I took two years ago… I swear I just do not know where the time goes.
But I am so thankful to have these wonderful memories. And the mug. And the photos. So now if you will excuse me I am going to make me some tea in my silly old mug.
Love, Kelly
I love that silly old bear…and your mug shots. I especially love the first shot with the steam rising out of the mug. Beautiful. I have a new lens on the way (my first that isn’t a kit lens), and hopefully I’ll be taking some mug shots of my own.
Kelly, you have a wonderful way with coffee cups! And that photo of your daughter is just so sweet. Nice that you can relive that lovely memory when you sit down for a cup of coffee!
I love it!!! And yes I have to laugh at “Byron” trying to get you to scream!! Maybe he has hung out with the “bomb dropper” (aka Tripp) to much!! 🙂
What a sweet story about your girl & Pooh Bear. Thanks for sharing. So sweet.
I love your “mug shots!” My favorite is the first one. I just love that steam and the beautiful curves of the chair in the background!
… ‘smiling broadly’ … So happy you liked the mug shot prompts! There were some great shots there, weren’t there? Love your Pooh story. If you think your own daughter grew up quickly … wait until you’re a grandmother.
Wonderful mug shots. Makes me want a cup of hot chocolate now!
Winnie the Pooh (and Tigger, too! ( : ) were a huge hit in our house, except our daughter got him mixed up and called him “Winnie A Pooh”, which he still goes by today.