Yesterday was an ordinary Tuesday. I went to work. I came home. Tripp and I walked the dogs. I cooked dinner. We watched GLEE.
Nothing exciting there. No school thing to make cookies for. No big dinner plans or night out. Just Tripp and Me.
For about half a second I started to feel a little bummed – empty nest whatever – then I looked at Tripp and looked at my adorable dogs. And then I felt a little ashamed for not recognizing how incredibly blessed I am.
- It was a gorgeous evening and I have a healthy body with which to walk.
- I have a wonderful husband who I adore.
- My daughter is healthy and happy in college
- I have adorable pets who make me smile everyday.
- I am surrounded by family and friends who love and support me.
It completely changed my entire outlook on the evening.
For an ordinary Tuesday, it turned out pretty awesome.
Peace, Kelly
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