In case you were curious, the following is a list of productive things I could be doing this morning:
- Folding Laundry
- Emptying the cat litter box
- Plucking my eyebrows
- Vacuuming the metric ton of embossing powder from my office floor (don’t ask).
But instead, I am sitting here at my desk with a third cup of coffee looking back over my photos from the last year. I don’t know…for me there is something about needing to mentally wrap things up before I can really move forward with something new.
Below is a little slideshow of some of my favorites if you are interested.
Anyway, as I was going through my photos, a couple of things stood out. One – the months of January and February are a real challenge in terms of inspiration. Which I am currently making note of in my head by the way. The second thing is just feeling so stinking grateful for photography and the way it helps me feel grounded and connected to my life.
Looking ahead to this year, my intention is basically the same…to pay attention, be grateful, and live mindfully. That said, I am feeling this internal nudge and push to dig a little deeper. I got a kick in the pants late last summer and I’m hoping it will propel me as I continue into this year.
I am also excited about the coming year because I am hoping to have some new things to share with you like a new photography class, more Lightroom tutorials, and more video content. Honestly, the actual creation of this kind of content really inspires me and helps me grow as both a photographer and a blogger. I’m super excited about digging in!
Sidenote::If there is something in particular that you would like to see in either a photography or Lightroom class, leave me a note in the comments of this post!
Last year was an interesting year of transition for me. I know I sound like a broken record when I say that it was a year that often felt like there were more questions than answers. It took up so much headspace. But now, with a lot of those decisions behind us, I am ready to move on and move into 2019.
As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share my life and my photography with you.
Love, Kelly
Kelly I loved this video…very cool music too. It’s different. And Kelsey…she can really carry off lipstick and not many can. She is stunning.
Thanks so much for sharing this.
Best ??
Thank you Susan!
Thanks for sharing these! I really do love your photography. I would love to see more classes from you……right now, I need to go to BPC and take the ones you already have on there. Lightroom for me is something I need to learn about…just need to start. Maybe then, I will have more ideas on what I need to learn 😉
Hi Janet! Let me know if you have any questions about my existing BPC classes. Hope to share more about a new class soon!