A year ago I thought for sure my life was over. Or at least the best part of it.
I often think about those first couple of months after Kelsey left for college. How the sadness and emptiness crept in slowly at first. But then once they were firmly rooted, how it prompted me to dig deep and really look at my life in a new way. To seek out what was good and find joy.
It wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen overnight. But eventually, there in the midst of uncertainty, I found a comforting rhythm of life. In the midst of fear I found courage and hope. In the midst of sadness I found self-compassion. In the midst of emptiness I found room to grow in.
In the midst of change I found me.
This past year I have come to enjoy an abundance of life like I have never known. And what’s so interesting to me is that none of this would have happened if Kelsey had not gone off to college.
Change was the fuel for this discovery.
Change is not easy for me, but I’m so grateful for the gifts of change and new directions.
Peace, Kelly
your thoughts about Kelsey leaving for college are dear and so true. I really like your photograph and quote you paired with it.
We can find some good in any change I think. It just takes an openness. So truly happy for you, friend.
Good for you! Amazing what blessings can come from those things that initially break our hearts.
I needed this post so much. Thank you for sharing. Luv ya girlie!
I hate change!!! (But find that so often I NEEDED change!)
Guess lots of people are learning the same lesson that I am!
Okay, you didn’t cry but I did, a good cry. This is a beautiful post, Kelly, about the path of life and all it entails. So joyful to know you feel this way and that the camera is there and that you feel surrounded and comforted by God. Blessings to you.
Pam oxoxoxoxox
Hi Kelly,
Thank you so much for your kind comment on my post today for Texture Tuesday. I love the vignetting and the glow in your photo today. Your post is so thoughtful and well written – nice to see how you found the positives.
Hi Kelly,
The first year was tough for me too. The next couple of years of her leaving got a little easier. Now she’s living full time near school and will graduate in the spring. It was really hard letting go. But our relationship has matured along the way and we are closer than ever. Change is so hard but good things come from it, letting her find her way and fine tuning who I am. I love your picture. It’s a keeper! Lisa
Change is so very hard, but often necessary! Glad to see you’re opening your heart to new directions!
This is such a BEautifully honest post. I love the quote and what I really love about your photograph is the juxtaposition of the barbed-wire and the wind. So often I, too, have resisted changes that really I had no power to stop. There is such a wellspring of hope in discovering that I have BEcome abler of Letting Go with a lot more grace and willingness.
That is wonderful you are doing so well. My daughter will be leaving next year… great photo.
Funny how life events and change force us to look into ourselves. I can relate to everything you wrote here!