it’s one of my favorite things about living in oklahoma. and especially this year thanks to señor niño….a mild weekend in january is always such a treat.
this past saturday was an ordinary weekend day at home. there isn’t really much gardening to do, but we cleaned up a bit around the yard. we trimmed back our perennial grasses. tripp cut back the crape myrtles. i deadheaded the pansies in the front yard.
i am going to try to remember this enthusiasm for basic yard maintenance later on this year.
it didn’t really matter what we did though. we just wanted to be outside as much possible. soaking up some much needed sunshine.
but i know that winter isn’t done with us quite yet…that’s ok…because whenever spring finally does show up, we’ll be ready for it.
hope you got to enjoy a little sunshine this weekend. happy monday friends!
love, kelly
Happy Monday to you!
We’ve had an unheard of winter this year. Maybe 3-4 inches of snow in total so far, and normally at this time of year, we are really quite “buried.” To be out early this morning and see 53 degrees on the thermometer, and hear the birds sing is pretty unbelievable.
We did have a mild weekend ourselves, than two days later we got a blizzard. Such is life in the Midwest
. I was feeling quite exhausted with yard maintenance and gardening, but now I feel myself longing to water, prune, re-pot, and even mow !
Beautiful pictures a always <3 I hope you enjoy this weekend too.