Spring is a happiness so beautiful, so unique, so unexpected, that I don’t know what to do with my heart.
Emily Dickinson

I hope these spring blooms make you as happy as they do me.
Love, Kelly
practicing the art of an ordinary life
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Story Teller for Ali Edwards Design Team
Currently Teaching at Big Picture Classes.
My Portfolio - Kelly Ishmael Photography
How lovely….what an inspiring sight for my eyes. We have had the bleakest, coldest March here in Idaho…I’m so ready for spring. On my morning walks, I’m noticing the emerging buds, the early starts of the daffodils pushing through the dirt and feel such hope. Even though I appreciate and love all the seasons, my soul is ready for blossoms and the riot of color with springs arrival.
Thank you for sharing these moments of delight!
Take care,
Thank you for the kind words. It makes me so happy to know my photos brought a little happiness to your day. (For what it’s worth, we’ve had a really cold, gloomy March here in Oklahoma as well.) Thank you again for your sweet comment. Sending you warm and sunny wishes that Spring finds its way to you soon!!