gather (v): to come together; assemble or accumulate; bring together
synonyms: congregate, assemble, meet, collect, come/get together, convene, muster, rally, converge
“Please, tell me it has not been a year since I’ve seen you.”
This is what I said when my friend Laura came over for my annual Christmas bunco party last year.
The sad truth was that it had been a year since I had seen her and many of my other friends that came that evening. And it’s something that has stuck all this year. Which is why I decided to invite all my bunco girlfriends over for a little get-together this past week.
For me, the thing about inviting friends over is that I tend to think about it a lot, but more often than not, that’s where these kinds of things usually end up…in my head. I make a million excuses why the time isn’t right or that my house is a mess…but mostly, I just make things harder than the need to be.
I know…big shock.
So my number one goal for our get-together was to keep it as simple as possible. I made a couple of things and my girlfriends all brought something. We used paper plates and plastic cups.
Confession::I may have calligraphy-ed all my friends’ names on their cups in gold sharpie marker. Please…I know…don’t say it…I couldn’t help myself.
Anyway, the thing is, we snacked on some tasty food and sipped on some summery cocktails. We talked and shared and laughed. And it was lovely.
Gathering friends together is always a good idea. And please take special notice that I’m using the ‘gathering’. I’m not talking about ‘entertaining’…to me there’s a connotation to entertaining that feels like I am bearing a sort of responsibility to provide some sort of amusement or enjoyment. (Although I will say the floating duck drink holders were pretty amusing.) But gathering – all that means is creating a time and space to bring people together. And I can’t recommend it enough! Call your people, keep it simple, and enjoy the gift of friendship.
I know I’ve said this before, but getting together with friends fills my heart in a very special way. And a full, happy heart is its own special kind of magic.
Love, Kelly
Gathering is always a good thing. I’ve committed to having friends over for drinks and munchies once a month or so and it has been great. We make it early-ish so its more of a cocktail hour thing, but so far everyone has stayed until 9 or 9:30 just talking and laughing and having a good time. Friends are the best. Enjoy your summer!
I love a good gathering! Love the duck drink holder!